AGENCY LOGIN (Request To Apply is below)
Instructions for accessing forms
All applicants are required to have or create an account. Keep your user name and password handy so that you can "save a draft" and return to complete your submission.
- LOGIN HERE for Agency Application and Annual Report (If you already have a user name and password)
- CREATE AN ACCOUNT (New users only - an email will be sent to you)
- RESET YOUR PASSWORD (if your email has been used previously, you can reset your password)
- LOGOUT (Be sure to log out once you have saved your draft or submitted your application)
Step One: REQUEST TO APPLY (RTA) SUBMIT BY JULY 1, (Must be submitted annually.)
2024 REQUEST TO APPLY FOR 2025 is below.
When the Request to Apply has been approved, your agency will receive a notification they are approved to file a 2025 Agency Application. The deadline for filing this form is January 15th but can be filed before that date. Late applications will not be considered.
Step Three: 2024 ANNUAL REPORT
All funded partners are required to file a 2024 Annual Report. This document is due by January 15th at the close of the last year. Annual reports are reviewed by committee prior to establishing funding levels for the year. As good stewards of the funds entrusted to us by our donors, it is essential that we review how previous funding was utilized, within the parameters of your request, prior to granting future funding.
Community Investment Process
Once grant applications are received, they will be distributed to committee members. It is necessary for our committee to wait for finalization of the year-end financial records to determine the total amount allowable for community investment.
Fund Distribution Process
Partner Agency funds are distributed quarterly. You will receive funding checks at the Quarterly Agency Meetings. You are not required, but encouraged, to attend Quarterly Agency Meetings. If you, or a representative is unable to attend, your allocation check will be mailed.
Why are funds distributed quarterly?
Quarterly distribution of annual funds allows for budgetary and cash-flow safe regulations for your agency and UW. Pledges received the prior year during campaign are being collected during the funding year. Meetings hosted by UW for the benefit and collaboration of all of our partners. They are usually held around the 15th in Knox County (April, July, October & December). Lunch is provided at no charge. Collaboration is crucial to the work we all conduct in the community. The meetings are a great way to network with other agencies, learn information as it applies to the health and human services programs (from internal and external speakers), and connect with UW to make sure you have the latest information from this funding source.