Whether it is a neighbor without health insurance, a victim of abuse, or someone struggling with mental illness or an addiction, United Ways are working to ensure everyone has access to affordable and quality care.
In Crawford county, these agencies and programs support better health outcomes through their programs:
CAISA – (Counseling and Information for Sexual Assault and Abuse) - Provides direct services to clients who have been victims of sexual assault. CAISA provides therapeutic services, advocacy, and education/prevention services as well.
SWAN – (Stopping Women Abuse Now) – Provides crisis intervention, shelter, and case management services of victims of domestic violence as well as prevention services.
Guardian Center/Healing Harbor – Program that addresses the needs of children and adolescents that are victims of physical and sexual abuse.
Crawford County L.I.F.E - provides advocacy and education for local mental health services and issues
ReNEW – are services provided to users of the Crawford County Drug Court including case management, drug screening, and education programs.
Second Chance Ranch - A rural setting for those in recovery
Drug Prevention (CMH).The United Way of Crawford County has also partnered with Crawford Memorial Hospital to bring prevention programs to the county schools
Masks- United Way supplied masks to agencies, businesses, schools, and individuals during the pandemic.
Protocol Helmets - These helmets have been supplied to all area high school football players to reduce injury due to concussion.
Familywize program, which offers free discount prescription cards.
Robinson Food Pantry
Palestine Food Pantry
Upper Street Ministries Mobile Food Pantry
Robinwood Assembly of God Food Pantry
Catholic Charities Mobil Food Pantry
In Knox county, we support initiatives that improve the overall health of the population.
Keep Vincennes Rolling
Matter of Balance exercise training to prevent falls by Generations.
Mental Health America emphasizes the importance of the early years 0-3 on mental and physical health, especially in brain development.
Bettye J. McCormick Senior Center at YMCA offers activities and space for individuals with or without disabilities, older and younger.
local food pantries
Meals on Wheels by Generations,
Blue Jeans Center provides community meals and a safe space during weather emergencies,
access to medical services through VanGo or
Access to Healthcare program by Good Samaritan Hospital.
L.A.M. (Life After Meth) fights against substance abuse.
Familywize program, which offers free discount prescription cards.
Red Cross helps to keep people safe by distributing free smoke alarms and organizing blood drives.
United Way supports educational opportunities at all levels to bring a brighter tomorrow to our neighbors.
Knox County Public School systems offer Kindergarten Jump Start Programs prior to the beginning of the school year through a United Way grant effort. In addition, United Way sponsors K-3 tutoring at all three school corporations targeting children at risk of not passing the I-Read test which is administered at the end of third grade. Research indicates that children LEARN to READ from K-3 and READ to LEARN from 4th grade on. The goal of the Early Education Initiative is to raise the county I-read scores from 80% to 100%.
Bedtime in a Box is a sleep hygiene program that teaches parents how to prepare their children for school by preparing a good night time routine that includes, bath, brushing teeth, and reading a book before bedtime. The bedtime in a box kit includes instructional materials for parents, a stuffed animal, bath towel and bath toys, age appropriate size pajamas, tooth paste, tooth brush, and 5 hard back age appropriate books. Youth attending the kindergarten jumpstart program receive a box upon graduating from the program as well as targeted youth in area preschools.
View a video of Bedtime in a Box
Kindergarten Jumpstart is a program to better prepare children for kindergarten by allowing them to spend two weeks prior to the start of school in classrooms and school environment, where teachers can introduce them to daily routines and activities, allowing them to gain experience and become more comfortable, and in this way prepare them for future academic success,
Tutoring program is where teachers offer additional after school assistance to those children who need it,
NFL Character Playbook (in partnership with NFL) is a new digital course for next year for children in grades 7-9, in the form of a graphic novel that teaches how to cultivate and maintain healthy relationships, how to manage emotions, resolve conflicts and make informed decisions,
Pre-K Roundtable connects pre-school age daycare providers with elementary teachers, so they can exchange valuable information about how to improve their services.
In addition to these school-based programs there are others that also fit into this category and not all of them are necessarily based at school:
KCARC’s Project 1972 offers educational and employment opportunities for disabled people.
Boy Scouts/Girl Scouts programs build courage, confidence, and character in boys and girls.
SuperMENtors program by PACE brings positive male role models to 3-5 year olds at Head Start,
Boys and Beyond program also by PACE, works with boys in 4th and 5th grade, bringing experiential learning to gain basic life skills.
N.O.W. (Nutrition on Weekends) nutrition programs in Hutsonville, Robinson, and Palestine that ensure our youth have needed and adequate healthy food outside of the school day.
Imagination Library – A Dolly Parton Foundation program that places free monthly books in the hands of families of children from birth to age 5. This program encourages family participation in promoting reading readiness and increases youth succeeding in elementary school and beyond.
Big Brother, Big Sisters - Provides a mentor for a young boy or girls who can benefit from a strong adult presence in their life.
Lawrence/Crawford County Association of Exceptional Citizens – Provides discreet and separate educational activities and scholarships that allow exceptional citizens to progress to their highest degree of employment and independence.
Boy Scouts/Girls Scouts – offer educational programs and socialization activities for numerous county youths and encourage citizenship and volunteer spirit.
GED scholarship & Improving Lives scholarship programs (Lincoln Trail College Foundation) – United Way supports opportunities that encourage participation and access to numerous citizens to complete GED status and to participate in college and technical training without boundaries.
Three Birds Playhouse - Provides after-school theater classes and opportunities for youth
Financial Stability
United Way provides needed resources to help our neighbors when it's most needed.
VITA program (Volunteer Income Tax Assistance) at local library,Salvation Army and their Pathway to Hope program,
PACE’s Loan Program/Individual Development Account/Energy Assistance Program,
B.A.B.E. (Beds and Britches, Etc.) offers free baby items for pregnant women or mothers with children under 3 years old,
Helping His Hands offers free labor for minor car repairs, individuals just need to supply the parts, and also offers emergency assistance, there are food pantries in many local organizations that help to bring food on the table.
Catholic Charities - Provides housing and utility support, free tax assistance , free medication management, Ramblin' Rose bus, and the mobile food Pantry.
Clothing Workshop Center - Provides free clothing and housing items
JK's Corner - Provides free household items in Palestine
Lydia's Closet - Provides free clothing and household items in Oblong
N.O.W Programs in Hutsonville, Palestine and Robinson provide school supplies and food to students in need
Robinson Food Pantry
Palestine Food Pantry
Robinwood Assemble of God Food Pantry
Upper Room Street Ministries Mobile Food Pantry
Unchanging Grace - Provides transitional living for those recovering from addition or incarceration.
Second Chance Ranch - A rural setting for those in recovery